13 Feb
8 Mar

The cook, the thief

The cook, the thief is a group exhibition that has emerged from an open call, where artists working with and around the theme of food have been invited to participate.

The cook, the thief - open call

The cook, the thief is a group exhibition that has emerged from an open call, where artists working with and around the theme of food have been invited to participate.

The title is inspired by the movie The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover and creates a common thread through the exhibition: From the kitchen to the table, from eating to hunger and hunting - further through disgust, abundance, cultural rules, temptation and pleasure.

Participating artists:

Sofia Tillman - @sofia_x_tillman

Love Oliver Granlund - @_loveoliver

Lisa Sellin - @lisa.sellin

Leonardo Taddei - @leonardotaddei_bkp

Jani Koirikivi - @jkoirikivi

Filippa Axelsson - @axelssonf_

Evelina Björnqvist - @bjornqvist.evelina

Eva Vei - @__evavei

Emma Ståhl - @koppitalist

Charlotta Klingström - @charlottaklingstrom

Alexandra Papademetriou - @alexandra.apapa

Alberto Rossi - @ultramondano

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